2015 Financial Results

Thank you for investing with UC Invest. Throughyour support we have been able to give back to our community in the form of grants, sponsorships and providing funds that assist our community.

The snapshot below highlights how your investments have assisted the Uniting Church community in the past 12 months.

You will also see that 2015 was another successful year for UC Invest. For the number crunchers among us, please enjoy our full audited 2015 financial statements here, for everyone else we've provided a quick summary of our 2015 results in table below.

Snapshot of how the Uniting Church community has benefitted:

  • Our investors were paid $6.14m in interest
  • The Uniting Church SA Mission & Service Fund received a grant of $2.16m
  • A once-off special grant of $200k was provided to Playford Uniting Church
  • The Northern Synod received a grant of $15,000
  • We sponsored a concert series at Kent Town Uniting Church
  • Pancake Day received sponsorship of $10,000
  • SAYCO & KCO received sponsorship of $4,000
  • UnitingCare Wesley Port Adelaide received golf day proceeds of $10,000
  • UC Invest also managed Community Funds which were invested in several different investment classes

2015 Financial Summary for UC Invest:

2015 Financial Summary


UC Invest Snapshot - Past 5 Years

2015 UC Invest Growth

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