Its that time of the year again, where we get to count the runs and review the wickets. (Oops, I will turn down the ABC radio coverage of the cricket). The numbers for UC Invest for 2016 are coming through and we are collating our end of year reports. We will publish those in our Autumn edition for your review soon.
The 2016 year went past so fast, with many events, actions and opportunities. UC Invest had a good year, with economic conditions assisting to enable it to make some valuable grants and assist the Uniting Church community to do its important work.
Thank you for your contribution. Its the support and loyalty of the Uniting Church community as a whole that makes all this possible. Every amount invested in UC Invest counts. Every dollar contributes in some way.
It is your investment with us that enables the grant to assist youth from Congress to attend NCYC in Sydney, or to fund the development of facilities for aged care in South Australia.
We hope you enjoy this edition, and the new year ahead.
Paul Barnett