Welcome to Investor Returns

It has been quite a journey over the past few years.

An amazing number of people and organisations responded to transferring their investments across into our new company structure. Thank you for trusting us to look after your hard-earned money.

We look forward to continuing our goal to provide Uniting Church customers with an opportunity to earn a competitive interest rate, whilst helping the Church carry out its mission. Your overwhelming response has now given us the security to focus on the future.

The process of applying for an Australian Financial Services Licence has also given us the opportunity to review our operations to ensure we serve both our customers and the needs of the Uniting Church, effectively.

There may be some members of our team who you havent yet met, or some that you have spoken with, but have not met in person. Our team are great at what they do, and in this edition, we have taken the opportunity to introduce our hard-working team members.

In this edition, we also explore two examples of how your investment provides tangible benefits to the Uniting Church community. Managed by Journey Uniting Church, the Fearless Leaders Conference and Fearless Youth Conference will be sponsored by UC Invest again in 2018, to ensure they are capable of reaching a wide audience to build strong, con dent and considered future leaders. On the front page we also have a story about the Rural and Remote Ministry, funded with your support.

Im glad you have come on this journey with us. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to give us any feedback.



Paul Barnett

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