What is your role at UC Invest?
Its my pleasure and privilege to be the Chair of the Uniting Church Investment Committee. We have a wonderful, dedicated team at the operational level and a well-functioning committee with a diverse range of financial skills fulfilling its governance role, all for the ultimate benefit of the Church and its members.
How do you think UC Invest is tracking?
UC Invest continues to provide solid returns to investors and the Church. During 2015 UC Invest is on track to return about $2.1million to the Church for its work and mission. This is possible because of our loyal supporters and investors. Some wise investment decisions that were made when interest rates were a bit higher has been a contributor to the solid earnings figures.
Where would you like UC Invest to go in the future?
UC Invest will continue working to fulfill its charter of protecting investor funds while seeking to maximise the return from the resources we are blessed to hold. We do this within an appropriate risk framework. Paul Barnett and his team continue to work with individuals, congregations and agencies to increase our investment base and thereby increase our return.
What headwinds/challenges do you foresee?
A task we take seriously is trying to look ahead and see those challenges. If it was easy we would all avoid them!
Government regulation is always on the radar screen, as is the world economy generally. Another fact of life we work with is the shrinking of our Australian listed investment universe. We have a market dominated by the big 4 banks and a few large companies so the market is a bit thin, especially when one allows for companies that fall outside our ethical investment guidelines.