Generating great returns for our investors and our church

Easy Access

An everyday cheque account for Congregations that puts a tick in every box – flexible and rewarding.

Our Easy Access account is a simple, no fuss, cheque account that provides all the flexibility that you would expect all combined with a surprisingly good interest rate!

This account can help collect and grow your Congregation's offerings via the eGive direct giving program.

You can also link your account to our high interest, online eSaver account to ensure your Congregation's at-call funds are working hard.

One distinct difference of investing with UC Invest is the satisfaction of knowing that your Congregation is actively supporting the winder Uniting Church SA community – your community!

Key features

  • No minimum balance
  • A simple way to manage Congregation funds
  • Attach a free Cheque Facility (Uniting Church Organisations ONLY)
  • Links to the eGive direct giving program
  • No UC Invest transaction or maintenance fees
  • Your interest rate may rise when market interest rates rise
  • Every dollar you invest is assisting the Uniting Church SA community – your community

You should know

  • Interest is calculated on a daily closing balance of your account
  • Interest is credited on the last day of each month
  • Refer to our Fee Schedule for information about possible fees and charges

Ways to transact

  • You may add money to your investment at any time by Direct Debit, Electronic Transfer (EFT), BPAY®, cheque or cash (Westpac Only)
  • You can withdraw money from your investment at any time by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), BPAY®, UC Invest cheque or via a Cheque Facility attached to your account
  • Please refer to the UC Invest Electronic & General Access Guide for more information regarding transactions


Open a new investment

New Investment Application Form - Uniting Church Organisations only Identity Verification Form Any signatories who are not already known to us will need to complete our identification requirements before we can open your new investment.

Add online access

UC Invest Online Application To access UC Invest Online you must have internet access and a mobile phone registered with us. Only authorised signatories to an investment can be granted access to UC Invest Online.

Change your signatories

Identity Verification Form Any signatories who are not already known to us will need to complete our identification requirements before we can open your new investment. Signatory Authorisation Form Please submit the forms together with signed minutes confirming the signatories for the investment.

Request a transaction

Additional Investment Form Withdrawal Request Form