Generating great returns for our investors and our church


One very tangible way that UC Invest assists Congregations is through the free eGive program.

The program has been designed to provide regular and reliable income flows to your Congregation while remaining very easy and convenient for Congregation members to use.

Statistically, Congregation members who give to their church electronically tend to give 4.5 times more per month than ad-hoc givers. This is largely because eGivers make an 'up-front' decision about their giving which becomes part of their personal budget rather than being left to relative chance.

Our aim is to help your Congregation maximise its resources by encouraging the use of eGive as the preferred method of giving. All without fees so 100% of funds given are contributed to your account.


At the end of each month we will send a giving report to a designated eGive contact which details the gifts received from Congregation members during the month.

This report also provides an annual forecast amount that can be used to assist in the preparation of church budgets.

Some eGivers will elect to keep their giving completely anonymous. If this option is chosen, the member will simply be listed as an 'anonymous contribution' on the monthly giving report.

No information will ever be disclosed to you or your Congregation about anonymous eGivers.

The program has been designed to provide regular and reliable income flows to your Congregation while remaining very easy and convenient for Congregation members to use.

Statistically, Congregation members who give to their church electronically tend to give 4.5 times more per month than ad-hoc givers. This is largely because eGivers make an 'up-front' decision about their giving which becomes part of their personal budget rather than being left to relative chance.

Our aim is to help your Congregation maximise its resources by encouraging the use of eGive as the preferred method of giving. All without fees so 100% of funds given are contributed to your account.

Contact us now to discuss eGive for you congregation