Rates, Fees and Forms

Personal, Company & Trust

Rates, Fees and Information disclosure documents

The following documents contain important information for personal and other retail investors.

Before applying for an investment product or service from UC Invest you should read and understand the information provided in these documents and consider the appropriateness of the product or service having regard to your particular objectives, financial situation and needs.

Financial Services Guide (FSG)

Product Disclosure Statement (PDS)
PDS Part 2: Personal, Company & Trust Interest Rate Schedule
PDS Part 3: Personal, Company & Trust Fee Schedule

UC Invest Identification Statement

Uniting Church SA - Ethical Investment Policy


I want to open a new personal investment

New Investment Application Form for Personal Investors

Investor Acknowledgement Statement for Personal Investors
If this is your first time investing with us we need you to sign this Investor Acknowledgement Statement before we can open your new investment.

Identity Verification Form
If you have not already been identified with us, you will need to complete our identification requirements before we can open your new investment. Joint investment holders will each need to complete a copy of this form.

I want to open a new investment for my/our organisation

New Investment Application Form for Company, Trust & Other Investors

Investor Acknowledgement Statement for Company, Trust & Other Investors
If this is your first time investing with us we need you to sign this Investor Acknowledgement Statement before we can open your new investment.

Identity Verification Form
Any signatories who are not already known to us will need to complete our identification requirements before we can open your new investment.

I want to give electronically to my congregation

eGive Personal Contribution Form

I need to request a transaction on an existing investment

Additional Investment Form

Withdrawal Request Form

Financial Hardship Form

Financial Hardship Form